Resources related to Lines of Migration

At Sea Distribution of Spectacled Eiders: A 120-Year-Old Mystery Resolved

ABSTRACT.-The at-sea distribution of the threatened Spectacled Eider (Somateria fischeri) has
remained largely undocumented. We identified migration corridors, staging and molting areas, and
wintering areas of adult Spectacled Eiders using implanted satellite transmitters in birds from
each of the three extant breeding grounds (North Slope and Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta in Alaska and
arctic Russia). Based on transmitter locations, we conducted aerial sur­ veys to provide visual

Migration and Habitat Use of Pacific Barrow's Goldeneye

Connectivity among annual cycle stages, rates of site fidelity, and the geographic scale of dispersal are largely unknown for Pacific Barrow’s Goldeneye (BAGO). This precludes managers and researchers from identifying demographically discrete units for population management, and for understanding the scale of inference from field studies. Further, habitats and specific sites that may be particularly important for BAGO are difficult to identify, as this species is not well covered by surveys for most of its annual cycle and range.

Sea Duck Research at the Centre for Wildlife Ecology

The Centre for Wildlife Ecology has several studies underway that address conservation issues affecting sea ducks along the Pacific coast. The issues, species, and populations being studied are shared concerns of the Centre for Wildlife Ecology, the Canadian Wildlife Service, and agency and academic collaborators throughout North America.

Movements and temporary emigration of moulting and wintering Harlequin Ducks

Over 2500 Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) have been marked with individually identifiable tarsal leg bands in the Pacific Northwest of North America. Two of these populations have been intensively studied near Vancouver, British Columbia over three winters (1994-1996). Intensive marking and surveys were done at these two sites (White Rock and Point Roberts, WA) to assess movement patterns and emigration of Harlequin Ducks.

Within-Season Moulting And Wintering Site Philopatry In Harlequin Duck

A small population of moulting and wintering Harlequin ducks were monitored between July 1994 and May 1995 near White Rock, B.C. In all 72 birds were captured during the wing moult and were banded with individually identifiable coloured tarsal bands. Males arrived in mid-June, moulted in August, and were in their alternate plumage by early October. Females arrived in mid-August and moulted in September. There were three patterns of habitat use over the winter season; some individuals spent the entire period (Aug.

Egg Laying Intervals And Nutrient Reserve Use Of Breeding Female Buffleheads And Barrow's Goldeneyes

This study was conducted to investigate nutritional aspects of reproduction in female Buffleheads (Bucephala albeola) and Barrow's Goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) breeding in central British Columbia in 1993 - 95. Mean egg laying interval (Ò SE) for Buffleheads was 48.36 Ò 2.35 hr, which was similar to that of Barrow's Goldeneyes that laid, on average, every 45.32 Ò 1.40 hr.
