Habitat selection of ducks broods in Lake Myvatn area, north- east Iceland
Ornis Scand. 2:17-26. 21:218-229 Brooks, A. 1903. Notes on the birds of the Cariboo district, B.C. Auk 20:277-284.
Ornis Scand. 2:17-26. 21:218-229 Brooks, A. 1903. Notes on the birds of the Cariboo district, B.C. Auk 20:277-284.
U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull.130. Washinton D.C. 396pp.
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 (MBTA)
Recent studies indicate the Pacific race of the Common Eider has declined dramatically over the past three decades throughout most of its breeding range in North America.
The Atlantic Seaduck Project is being conducted to learn more about the breeding and molting areas of seaducks in northern Canada and more about the feeding ecology of seaducks on wintering areas, especially Chesapeake Bay. Satellite telemetry is being used to track surf scoters wintering in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and black scoters on migrational staging areas in New Brunswick, Canada, to breeding and molting areas in northern Canada.