Third North American SeaDuck Conference 2008
Seventy Abstracts of the Third North American Sea Duck Conference,
presented10-14 November 2008 Quebec City, Monteal, Canada
Seventy Abstracts of the Third North American Sea Duck Conference,
presented10-14 November 2008 Quebec City, Monteal, Canada
One hundred and five Abstracts of the Second North American Sea Duck Conference presented
in Annapolis Maryland 7-11 November, 2005
One hundred and eighteen Abstracts of the First North American Sea Duck Workshop and Conference
presented in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 6-10 November, 2002
This report outlines the results of the internationally coordinated census of wintering waterbirds in the Baltic Sea 2007-2009 undertaken under the SOWBAS project (Status of wintering Waterbird populations in the Baltic Sea). The estimated total number of wintering waterbirds was 4.41 million compared to 7.44 million during the last co-ordinated census 1992-1993. Despite the general declines stable or increasing populations of herbivorous species were recorded.
This report outlines the results of the internationally coordinated census of wintering waterbirds in the Baltic Sea 2007-2009 undertaken under the SOWBAS project (Status of wintering Waterbird populations in the Baltic Sea). The estimated total number of wintering waterbirds was 4.41 million compared to 7.44 million during the last co-ordinated census 1992-1993. Despite the general declines stable or increasing populations of herbivorous species were recorded. While benthic carnivores with a coastal distribution have either shown moderate declines, stable or increasing populations.
During the 1980's, restrictive harvest regulations linked to declines in mid-continent duck populations and restrictions on black duck harvest led to a shift in hunting pressure to lesser-utilized species, such as sea ducks. Concern among Atlantic coast waterfowl biologists about this increase in pressure on sea ducks led to a variety of surveys in different areas being conducted at different times, using a variety of techniques that were not compatible.
There is a dearth of information about bird use of certain areas of Bristol Bay during winter. This survey will fill in gaps of our knowledge and provide baseline winter abundance and distribution data for eastern Bristol Bay and the southern extent of sea ice, which varies annually. The area is subject to potential threats from offshore oil and gas development and from mining (i.e., Pebble mine). The aerial survey will be done using USFWS Kodiak fixed-wing aircraft and pilots and will test the proposed survey methodology..
ARCTIC Vol. 57, No. 1 (March 2004) P. 27–36
Wildl. Biol. 12: 257-265.
“As the Eider is a bird very resistant to shot, often 2-3 birds are wounded for each that is shot dead…”
(Müller, South Greenland, 1906)
The large numbers of common eiders Somateria mollissima and king eiders S. spectabilis wintering
in southwest Greenland are subject to intensive hunting, and in addition to direct harvest an unknown
number of birds are wounded and become carriers of embedded lead shot. We conducted the first
assessment of the magnitude of this undesirable side effect of hunting in Greenland by X-raying 879