Resources related to Foraging & Habitat

Northwestern Interior Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Conservation needs in Alaska and across the nation require an unprecedented
collaborative effort that links science and conservation with the combined
capacities of many conservation partners. Landscape Conservation
Cooperatives (LCCs) are self-directed partnerships that provide science
support for conservation actions that address landscape-level challenges or
stressors such as climate change. The Northwestern Interior Forest LCC is
one of 21 LCCs identified nationally to complete a network approach of

Aleutian Bering Sea Landscape Conservation Cooperative

The Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ABSI -LCC) is one of 21 Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) identified nationally to complete a network of LCCs across the nation. The LCC concept was formed as land and resource managers recognized that dealing with the potential effects from climate change will require a stronger level of collaboration. They are designed to provide connections between researchers and managers seeking to address large landscape and seascape concerns.

Alaska ShoreZone Coastal Habitat Mapping and Imagery

The ShoreZone mapping system has been in use since the early 1980s and has been applied to more than 40,000 km of shoreline in Washington and British Columbia (Berry et al 2004; Howes 2001). Through partnerships with other agencies and organizations, portions of southeastern and central Alaska have been imaged and mapped. This project is funded by NOAA and a number of other agencies and organizations as listed below.

Foraging Behavior of Surf Scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) and White-winged Scoters (M. fusca) In Relation to Clam Density: Inferring Food Availability and Habitat Quality

Auk 125:149-157.
Abstract.—Birds are known to modify their foraging behavior in relation to food availability.
Once understood, these relationships can be used to draw inferences about relative food
availability and habitat quality. We measured foraging behavior of Surf Scoters(Melanitta perspicillata)
and White-winged Scoters (M. fusca) feeding on clams during winter in the Strait of Georgia,
British Columbia, to evaluate the relative quality of the foraging landscape for wintering scoters.

Draft 2011 Pacific Flyway Data Book

The following briefing material has been assembled for use by the Pacific Flyway Council and by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
personnel in formulating recommendations for the 2011-2012 waterfowl hunting seasons. This collection of harvest, population,
and hunter data can also serve as a desk-top reference for providing responses to inquiries from agency personnel, the media, and public.
A few points to mention with regard to the information contained in this report:
