Resources related to Status

Stellers Eider Spring Migration Surveys Southwest Alaska 2012

The majority of the Pacific population of Steller's eiders migrates along the Bristol Bay coast of the
Alaska Peninsula in the spring, crosses Bristol Bay toward Cape Pierce, then continues northward
along the Bering Sea coast. Most then cross the Bering Strait to their breeding grounds in Siberia, with
a smaller number continuing north to the Alaska North Slope to breed (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2002, Gill et al. 1978). During migration the eiders linger to feed at the mouths of lagoons and other

Monitoring Beaufort Sea Waterfowl and Marine Birds Aerial Survey Component

The U.S. Department of Interior investigated potential disturbance effects of human
activities on the distribution and density of Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis), and eiders
(Somateria spp.) in lagoons and offshore waters of the south-central Beaufort Sea. The primary
objectives of this study were to compare Long-tailed Duck population trends between
“industrial” and “control” areas, describe the relationship between bird density and human activities, and document distribution patterns of eiders and other marine birds in the south-central

Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey Coastal Plain Alaska 2011

Waterfowl breeding population surveys have been completed annually on the Arctic Coastal Plain of
Alaska since 1986. Methods for the 2011 Arctic Coastal Plain Waterfowl Breeding Population Survey (ACP
survey) were similar to those employed since 2007, when a single survey was implemented to address objectives of
two pre-existing surveys: the geographically comprehensive 1986 ACP survey conducted in mid-June to early July,
and the geographically limited 1992-2006 North Slope Eider Survey, conducted in early to mid June to target the

Lincoln estimates of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) abundance in North America

Estimates of range-wide abundance, harvest, and harvest rate are fundamental for sound inferences about the role of exploitation in the dynamics of free-ranging wildlife populations, but reliability of existing survey methods for abundance estimation is rarely assessed using alternative approaches. North American mallard populations have been surveyed each spring since 1955 using internationally coordinated aerial surveys, but population size can also be estimated with Lincoln's method using banding and harvest data.

Trends in Duck Breeding Populations 1955-2013

This report summarizes information about the status of dabbler duck populations and wetland habitats during
spring 2013, focusing on areas encompassed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife (USFWS) and Canadian Wildlife
Services’ (CWS)Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (WBPHS). This report does not include
information from surveys conducted by state or provincial agencies.
In the traditional survey area, which includes strata 1–18, 20–50, and 75–77 (Figure 1), the total duck

2013 Pacific Flyway Data Book

The following briefing material has been assembled for use by The Pacific Flyway Council, Pacific Flyway Study Committee & Cooperators and by U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
personnel in formulating recommendations for the 2013-2014 waterfowl hunting seasons. This collection of
harvest, population, and hunter data can also serve as a desk-top reference for providing responses to inquiries
from agency personnel, the media, and public.

Marine Bird Populations of Prince William Sound, Alaska,

We estimated the summer and winter abundance of marine birds in Prince William
Sound, Alaska, following the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, examined changes in population size
between pre-spill and post-spill surveys, and compared pre- to post-oil spill population trends in
the oiled zone of the Sound relative to trends in the unoiled zone.
Ninety-nine species of birds were observed on surveys. Not all species were equally vulnerable to
the oil spill because of the seasonal and geographic distribution. Estimated populations of 15 to

SDJV Implementation Plan 2011-2014

At the inception of the SDJV, the lack of understanding about population delineation was seen as one of the highest priority topics for future work; this priority was confirmed during a 2010 review of program direction. Identifying links among breeding, molting, staging, and wintering areas will help improve the design of monitoring surveys and interpretation of trends, and more effectively direct management actions.

Sea Duck Joint Venture Strategic Plan 2008-2012

The fifteen species of sea ducks (Tribe Mergini) are the most poorly understood group of waterfowl in North America. The most basic biological information is unknown for some species. Few species have reliable population indices or estimates of annual productivity, and much of our knowledge is based on a very few, localized studies. Also, current survey design is unable to accurately estimate sea duck harvest.
