Resources related to Site Fidelity

Birds at Risk: The Importance of Canada’s Boreal Wetlands and Waterways

This report looks at three natural areas in the boreal forest that are critical for birds,
but that are coming under pressure from industry, hydropower, and climate change.
We discuss some strong policy steps governments must take in order to protect the
watery forest and the great biodiversity of birds it supports.

Curious Lives of Sea Ducks

Eleven out of 15 species of sea ducks appear to have declining populations within some portion of their range (exceptions are common goldeneyes, buffleheads, red-breasted mergansers and common mergansers). Furthermore, two species (Steller's eider and spectacled eider) are listed as threatened. Thus, waterfowl managers need current, science-based models to establish sustainable harvest strategies for sea ducks, and they need it now.

Northwestern Interior Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Conservation needs in Alaska and across the nation require an unprecedented
collaborative effort that links science and conservation with the combined
capacities of many conservation partners. Landscape Conservation
Cooperatives (LCCs) are self-directed partnerships that provide science
support for conservation actions that address landscape-level challenges or
stressors such as climate change. The Northwestern Interior Forest LCC is
one of 21 LCCs identified nationally to complete a network approach of

Aleutian Bering Sea Landscape Conservation Cooperative

The Aleutian and Bering Sea Islands Landscape Conservation Cooperative (ABSI -LCC) is one of 21 Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) identified nationally to complete a network of LCCs across the nation. The LCC concept was formed as land and resource managers recognized that dealing with the potential effects from climate change will require a stronger level of collaboration. They are designed to provide connections between researchers and managers seeking to address large landscape and seascape concerns.

Site Fidelity bibliography 1993-2006 (9 records)

Bustnes, J. O. and K. E. Erikstad. 1993. Site fidelity in breeding common eider Somateria mollissima females. Ornis Fennica 70:11-16.

Iverson, S. A., D. Esler, and D. J. Rizzolo. 2004. Winter philopatry of harlequin ducks in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Condor 106:711-715.

Iverson, S. A. and D. Esler. 2006. Site fidelity and the demographic implications of winter movements by a migratory bird, the harlequin duck Histrionicus histrionicus. Journal of Avian Biology 37:219-228.

Site Fidelity Is an Inconsistent Determinant of Population Structure in the Hooded Merganser ( Lophodytes Cucullatus ):

Site Fidelity Is an Inconsistent Determinant of Population Structure in the Hooded Merganser ( Lophodytes Cucullatus ): Evidence From Genetic, Mark–Recapture, and Comparative Data
The Auk (2008) Volume: 125, Issue: 3, Pages: 711-722
