First North American Sea Duck Workshop and Conference 2002
One hundred and eighteen Abstracts of the First North American Sea Duck Workshop and Conference
presented in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 6-10 November, 2002
One hundred and eighteen Abstracts of the First North American Sea Duck Workshop and Conference
presented in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 6-10 November, 2002
The Condor 97:233-255 The Cooper Ornithological Society 1995
Abstract. Phylogenetic relationships of modem seaducks (Me&i) were investigated
using a cladistic analysis of 137 morphological characters. The analysis produced a single
tree (consistency index = 0.692, excluding autapomorphies) with complete resolution of the
relationships among the 25 taxa recognized. Phylogenetic inferences include: (1) the eiders
(Polysticta and Somateria) constitute a monophyletic group and are the sister-group of other
Site Fidelity Is an Inconsistent Determinant of Population Structure in the Hooded Merganser ( Lophodytes Cucullatus ): Evidence From Genetic, Mark–Recapture, and Comparative Data
The Auk (2008) Volume: 125, Issue: 3, Pages: 711-722
Conservation Genetics 6:743-757.
Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Mergus serrator - Linnaeus, 1758 (Red-breasted Merganser ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011
Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Mergus merganser - Linnaeus, 1758 (Common Merganser ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011
Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Clangula hyemalis - Linnaeus, 1758 (Long-tailed Duck ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011
Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Bucephala clangula - Linnaeus, 1758 (Common Goldeneye ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011
Seaduck Bibliography 1991-2010 as compiled by Paul Flint
Time series from 2008 deployments in northern Alaska
The animated map depicts weekly locations of satellite tagged Spectacled Eiders and sea ice distribution.