Resources related to Disease

Bibliography of Long-tailed Duck (Clangula hyemalis) 1887-2009 (113 records)

Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Clangula hyemalis - Linnaeus, 1758 (Long-tailed Duck ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011

Sea Duck Research at the Centre for Wildlife Ecology

The Centre for Wildlife Ecology has several studies underway that address conservation issues affecting sea ducks along the Pacific coast. The issues, species, and populations being studied are shared concerns of the Centre for Wildlife Ecology, the Canadian Wildlife Service, and agency and academic collaborators throughout North America.

Parasitism, Population Dynamics And Hybridization In Cavity- Nesting Seaducks

Intraspecific and interspecific brood parasitism occur frequently in waterfowl. We examine the consequences of these behaviors to the population dynamics of Barrow's and Common Goldeneyes during a 10 year study period in central British Columbia. The frequency of parasitism was significantly related to population density and to the availability of nest sites. High levels of parasitism, in turn, resulted in reduced reproductive success of females.
