Resources related to Avian Predation

Foraging Behavior of Surf Scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) and White-winged Scoters (M. fusca) In Relation to Clam Density: Inferring Food Availability and Habitat Quality

Auk 125:149-157.
Abstract.—Birds are known to modify their foraging behavior in relation to food availability.
Once understood, these relationships can be used to draw inferences about relative food
availability and habitat quality. We measured foraging behavior of Surf Scoters(Melanitta perspicillata)
and White-winged Scoters (M. fusca) feeding on clams during winter in the Strait of Georgia,
British Columbia, to evaluate the relative quality of the foraging landscape for wintering scoters.

Found Transmitter A Needle in a Haystack

At first glance the radio transmitter looked like a firecracker with a long fuse. It was a lucky fluke, not a firecracker – that transmitter lying on the Mendenhall Wetlands near Juneau had been implanted in a sea duck ten years earlier and 900 miles south.
Scoters nests are scattered over a vast area from eastern Interior Alaska across northern Canada, and for this reason, scoter nesting habits have been poorly understood and historically difficult to research. Implanted radio transmitters for ducks have contributed valuable insights in recent years.

Wintering Snowy Owls feed on Sea Ducks in the Belcher Islands, Nunavut, Canada

j. Raptor Res. 37(2):164-166¸ 2003 The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc.
Short Communications
While studying the ecology of sea ducks wintering around the Belcher Islands, we
also recorded Snowy Owls (Gilchrist and Robertson 2000). Herein, we expand on
our observations of Snowy Owls, describing their distribution and their relationship
w•th wintering Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) and Long-tailed Ducks (Clangula hyemalis).

Bibliography of Red-breasted Merganser - Mergus serrator 1873-2009 (105 records)

Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Mergus serrator - Linnaeus, 1758 (Red-breasted Merganser ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011

Bibliography of Common Merganser - Mergus merganser 1887-2009 (127 records)

Anonymous. 2011 Bibliography of Mergus merganser - Linnaeus, 1758 (Common Merganser ) in Deomurari, A.N. (Compiler), 2010. AVIS-IBIS (Avian Information System - Indian BioDiversity Information System) v. 1.0. Foundation For Ecological Security, India retrieved on 11/10/2011
